Site Details:
Address: 1 Port Street East Misssissauga
Total site area:
- - 27.7ha (68.4ac) of land and water
- - 6.8ha (20.9ac) of land
- - 20.0ha(51.6ac) of water
Mid-1950’s: The Federal Government builds a wharf and marine structures to accommodate industrial vessels. That’s the marina you see today
Early 1960s: Canada Steamship Lines begins leasing the harbour lands as a container terminal
1974: Container terminal is converted for recreational boating purposes
1979: Lease is assigned to Centre City Capital Ltd, the current tenant
2011: CLC (Canada Lands Company) acquired 1 Port Street (Port Credit Marina Lands) from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. CLC would be developer but not builder – subcontracting the building
2013: CLC presents Master Plan to city after holding a series of public sessions
2013: Centre City Capital presents a plan in Mississauga Life: A Harbour Vision for the Ages (click to view)
2013: - Stella Ambler (then MP for Mississauga South) called for the planning to be removed from CLC and taken over by the city
2014/2015: – Planning is taken on by Inspiration Port Credit led by the city of Mississauga
Feb 4, 2016: – Inspiration Port Credit presents Master Plan to the community
Mar 14, 2016: Ratepayer’s associations solicit input from residents to take to City Council
Mar 21, 2016: - Inspiration Port Credit presents Master Plan to city