If your boulevard tree is diseased and needs to be cut down, poses safety concerns and requires pruning, or if you do not have a tree and would like the city to plant one, call 3-1-1 (if you are within Mississauga city limits), or 905-615-4311 (if you are outside of Mississauga city limits). Tell the operator that you are calling about your boulevard tree and what you would like the city to do. You will need to give them your name, address and contact information. The operator will schedule city staff to visit your location, to either evaluate the condition of the tree (if it needs pruning or removed) or the condition of the location to determine the size and type of tree that would be most appropriate. This visit usually happens within 30 days of the call. Do not forget to obtain a case number from the operation before ending the call – you will need this case number when enquiring about the status of your request in the future. Please note, the actual tree removal, pruning, or planting of the new tree will not happen within the 30-day period since these activities depend on the season, city staff and/or contractor availability and other factors.